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The Feebo [FEE-boh] were a race of humanoids from dimension 1.03. They lived in peace on their planet for ages, focused on architectural and agricultural feats. They shared the planet with the Elemanaris.


The Feebo are tall, lean and lanky (some muscular), with flat noses, round eyes and pointed ears.

Gender and Reproduction[]

Despite all identifying as female, the Feebo reproduce asexually through a special stone, called a Soul Seed, that they're born with. When planted, it will grow into a new Feebo.


Generations upon generations prior to the first novel, Queen Leonita created a golden era for the Feebo people. She was, apparently, gifted with foresight and had a vision that the Feebo empire would crumble at the hands of her descendant (arguably, she may not have been psychic and was instead being visited by Aqat).

In an effort to save the future, Queen Leonita withdrew into her Soul Seed, passing from Feebo to Feebo until the dark times came, where she would then be able to create many seeds and bring the Feebo back.

The queen who decided to ruin the Feebo race was Girnah's mother. She had a radical idea that the Feebo should take over the territory owned by the Elemanaris.
